Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Who knew?

This Christmas we have been talking a lot about the true reason for the season. The kids know all about the first Christmas, the night Baby Jesus was born. They have made art projects at preschool depicting that night, sang songs and read tons of books. They know that Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, in a stable and placed in a manger. His Mom (Mary) and Dad (Joseph) were there, along with the Shepherds and their sheep. They know about the 3 wisemen who followed a star to find Him. Good little Catholics, aren't they!

Now, last Christmas I bought them each a little nativity scene for their rooms. (Actually, they keep them on their nightstands all year.) Just the basic little stable, Jesus in a manger, Mary and Joseph, the Shepherd, a sheep and a donkey. Today while I was dusting in Aidan's room I noticed he made two additions to his nativity scene, a little dinosaur and an army guy kneeling down with a bazooka on his shoulder. Maybe they were omitted from the historical account of Jesus' birth.... who knew?!

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