Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Nightmare continues

Today was the day! Aidan and I went to the NEW dentist (who I absolutely LOVE) to get his tooth pulled. The plan was to do an awake sedation and pull the tooth, measure for the spacer and on the tooth next to it, do a pulpotomy and place a stainless steel crown on it.

We got there at 8:45 to administer the meds and wait for them to kick in. He bumped the cup and spilled some of the sedative on the counter so the Dentist wasn't sure how much he'd gotten. We got in and he was a little woozy, they put on the laughing gas and gave him 2 hits of Novocaine. Even with all that, he could still feel them pull the tooth. Since that was the case, we decided to wait in the rest. He really was a champ though. I'm so proud of him!

Next stop, the Operating Room for the rest of the work. Updates to follow.

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