Monday, November 8, 2010

What rhymes with Saddie and Ms. Katie?


That's where Sean was for 10 (actually) 11 straight days to make a documentary! Needless to say I weathered the storm sans my partner in crime. He left on a Tuesday morning at 2:45. When the kids were going to bed the night before, we talked about where Daddy was going and what he'd be doing once he got there. "He's going to Haiti," I tell them. Clare says, "That rhymes with Saddie" and Aidan says, "Yeah and Ms. Katie."

I explained to Aidan (4) and Clare (3) as much as I could that there was an earthquake (which is when the earth shakes alot - as I shook my body around the room) and that some people had no place to live now because their houses got knocked down. (But don't worry because we don't have earthquakes in MD so our house won't fall down.) Now Daddy has to go there with a group of people who collect a lot of money to help them build new houses- Catholic Relief Services. They were sad to see him go but were excited that on the day he got home was time for trick or treating.

So the first night Sean was gone we were driving home and Clare says, "How come Daddy went to Haiti to help people build houses?" Aidan responds (not missing a beat), "He didn't go to help them build houses, he went to make them a bideo so they aren't sad anymore." (of course my Mommy pride is busting out of my chest and I've got a tear in my eye- what a sweet little boy I'm thinking) and no sooner did that thought cross my mind, did he finish his comment with, "Ya whinker!" Which is Aidan's American version of the British whanker. UGH!

Well at least they were paying attention to our conversation the previous night and sort of understand the super cool thing their Dad just spent 11 days away from us doing.

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