Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What's new....

Wow, It's been awhile....Here's a little taste of the happenings in the Healey house.

Aidan has really taken off with his reading. He's also becoming slightly obsessed with a little game called Minecraft on the iPad. So in all my infinite wisdom (after several hours of arguments) I decided he's got to "earn" his time on the game. For every minute he reads, he gets a minute of game time. It took a week or so but it's finally sinking in. The kid who's arm you had to twist to open a book, is waking up in the morning and asking to read. Ah, another small victory for Mom. I might just be getting the hang of this parenting (bribery) thing.

Clare is just starting to read, so she constantly asks what things say and is sounding our everything. She has a new room now (the boys share) and she loves it! She has a little desk that she keeps very organized and she loves playing school with it. She recently went to the ballet with Aunt Patra (a little Christmas tradition) and she loved it. At least she didn't fall asleep this year! She's quite the social butterfly, always going to a friend's house after school. We gave in this year and got them both Advent calendars with the chocolates in them, Aidan eats his piece the second he wakes up in the morning, Clare gets a marker and circles the number each day. She doesn't like chocolate. So guess what Mommy is going to do on December 24th...yup I'm going to snuggle up on the couch and start peeling back little cardboard doors.

Finn is rolling and bouncing around! He loves to bounce in his little exersaucer. He laughs and smiles so much. He loves to be outside. The poor kid still has no personal space. We are all constantly in his bubble. But he's so daggone cute we can't help it.

Sean and I are slowly coming out of the newborn haze. He's been super busy at work, so with me being home now, at least we've been able to breathe a little easier. We finally had a night out (actually 2) and boy did we need it. It was nice to be together with no kids for a little while. This place is a bit chaotic at times but we're still laughing our way through it. Hey, it beats crying!

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