Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Table Talk

There are tons of studies conducted these days on the importance of sitting down as a family for dinner. Children do better in school, have a better relationship with their parents, more communication, so on and so forth.

We have been slacking a bit lately on that. Sean's been travelling or working late, 2 nights a week of lacrosse, you know the normal stuff. So last night we decided to turn over a new leaf and try to eat at the table every week night.

We sit down to a taco sort of casserole/pasta thing I made and Aidan starts complaining about the 1 single bean I put on his plate. So what does Sean do to difuse the situation?

Sings: "Beans, Beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot."

Of course the kids are hysterical! So we teach them the other Bean song too. You know:

"Beans, beans good for your heart. The more you eat them the more you fart. The more you fart the better you feel, so eat beans at every meal."

As you can imagine the quality conversation went downhill quickly after that!

Update on the Predicament

Well, I spoke with Clare the next morning and asked her if she wanted to do recital but without makeup. She of course was hysterical.

"But Mom, all the other girls get to wear the makeup!"

"I know Clare but Daddy and I don't want you to wear makeup yet."

"Their Moms are letting them wear it."

"Yes, I know but we are not their parents."

"Well, when can I wear makeup?"

"When you are in high school. So do you want to do recital or not?"


Problem solved!

Monday, May 2, 2011


So Clare's ballet recital is in June and she is required to wear makeup. Well Sean and I decided that we were not ready for Clare to be required to wear makeup at 3 years old. So I emailed the studio and let them know that I would be withdrawing Clare from class for this reason.

Well, low and behold I got a response back today. It came from the owner of the studio saying that they would love to have Clare still dance in recital even without makeup because her teacher says she's the strongest dancer in the class. She's supposed to be front and center on stage for the recital.

Looks like I'm going to have to talk to Clare in the morning and make a decision.

Somebody's Prince Charming

Aidan has a little lady that he's kind of sweet on.

Her dad told me the other day that during her breakfast with the Disney Princesses in the castle in Disney World. Her grandmother asked her, "So who is your Prince Charming?" (Thinking she was going to say her Dad.) She responded, "Well, I think that would have to be Aidan!"