Monday, June 28, 2010

10 days and counting

I heard on the radio this morning that yesterday was the 10th day straight of the latest heat wave. It's been 90+ degrees for the last 10 days. Sunday it was officially 100 degrees. Rumor has it that it's supposed to end on Wednesday which will give us a dozen days straight! It really makes you appreciate your air conditioning!

*For the record, I'm NOT complaining, just reporting. I love summer and after 4 feet of snow this past winter, I'm not whining about a few 90 degree days!*

Bug Eye

I have a pretty decent memory of many, many good times in my life. I also have a very vivid memory of some physical pains I've experienced in my life as well. I specifically remember the growing pains Maureen and I would get growing up. My knees would ache from the inside out. It still makes me quiver to think about it. I can remember the feeling in my chest of being totally waterlogged most of the summer. And I can remember, like yesterday, how my eyes would BURN from the chlorine in the pool at swim team practice in the beginning of the season. I think my eyes adjusted over time to the burn so I didn't have the burn all summer.

Well, this past weekend we spent about 30 hours in the pool. Aidan and Clare are now both swimming on their own which is so much fun to see. They are so brave and determined! We are so proud of them. By Saturday evening at 7:00, Aidan's eyes started to burn that all too familiar burn. He was in so much pain and I could feel the pain with him through my memory. We used to put milk in our eyes to stop the burn. We tried that, with Sean holding him down and me dropping the milk in. (He does weigh like 52 pounds now.) He basically laid on our bed after that and I had to rock him to sleep because his eyes hurt so much he couldn't even open them.

Sunday we took a lot of breaks from the pool, because of the chlorine and because it was so hot. Today we went to target and got some super cool goggles! Now we can swim all summer without experiencing that pain again, thanks to the bug eyes!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


That's where we live these days! I have been slackin big time on bloggin so I'm going to attempt to catch up on all our summer fun we've had in the last week or so.

This weekend was super busy! We finished up all the little things around the house and slapped a FOR SALE sign in the front yard! YUP that's right, we're moving AGAIN! Well that's if we can ever sell this house in this market. We are moving closer to my work so Aidan can begin school in CC in 2011. We don't want to have to switch him to a different school so now is the time to start the process. Hopefully we'll be moved in by the time he starts in over a year. UGH! This has actually been a positive thing so far though. We have cleared out a bunch of crap we don't need or use. The house have never looked better- of course. Isn't that always the way it goes, you get the house exactly the way you want, finish up all the little projects and then sell it to someone else. We were officially on the market last Saturday and had 2 showings on Tuesday so maybe we did something right. Let's just hope the heatwave + delicious pool = a sale!

Clare went to her first friend from school birthday party on Saturday and had a blast in the princess bouncy castle. She also decided tonight that she would jump in the pool (naked) to see if she could swim. (She did tell me first so I could catch her if she sunk.) And let me tell you, these Healey kids are naturals. They aren't afraid and they can keep themselves moving. She jumped right in and went totally under, quickly realizing she had to make it back up to the surface, her little surprised face popped back up and she started kickin and moving her arms. I was thoroughly impressed. Aidan is totally life jacket free now and lovin it! He's a little fish, we have to drag him out of the pool every night. Let's hope the next house has either a pool in the yard or we get a membership to one!

We had our first crabs of the 2010 season on Saturday and boy o' boy were they TASTY! Yummo! Big and heavy! The only problem with eating crabs now is that we have to share with the kids! HA HA!

Father's Day was fun we had the Healey clan and the Hughes crew over for a cookout. Lots of swimming and eating... my kind of sunday. Clare made Sean a shirt with a little poem on the front and her foot prints on the back. When he came downstairs with it on Sunday morning she nearly had a heart attack she was so excited he was wearing it. It was too cute. Aidan painted a little pot and planted a seed in it - which I proceeded to knock over on the seat in my car. Oops!
We made Sean a book all about him. When I asked the kids what Daddy's favorite drink was, Aidan answered BEER and Clare answered COFFEE. (Man, they don't know him at all.)

All in all a great summer to date! Lots coming up: Weekend with the Smiths and Walshes, 4th of July, Clare's 3rd Birthday at the "Mountain House" - it's during our vacation at Deep Creek, birthday dinner for my Mom and Dad's 60th in NY.... FUN FUN FUN!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Fish and The Dancing Queen

This weekend was a fun one!

Friday night Sean and I were both BEAT! The kids and I got home around 5:30 and as soon as we walked in the door they were in their bathing suits and jumping in the pool. We were enjoying happy hour poolside and Aidan asked if he could take off his lifejacket and swim. So we agreed and he was swimming back and forth in the shallow end, then decided he wanted to try the deep end. He jumped in and swam all the way to the shallow end. It was AWESOME! Sean and I were cheering, clapping and jumping up and down. We called both sets of grandparents to brag and smiled all night with pride. He's growing up so much, every day it seems like he surprises me with something new he can do or knows.

Saturday we went to Molly Murphy's baptism. It was during 4:30 mass and there was a great party afterwards. So all day we're explaining to the kids that first we go to mass, then we go to the party ~because when you're Irish Catholic, the best parties are the ones that follow a mass! The kids were decent in mass (in fact a woman stopped us outside of church to say the kids were well behaved- I wonder where she sat in proximity to our seats?) After mass, it was off to the party, which was great! We had such a fun night! The kids ran around outside, ate a million mini cupcakes, Clare made 56 pictures with bingo markers and Aidan was the monster who chased the older kids around the yard. Once it got dark (and late) the music got louder and we all started dancing on the deck. Clare asked Kelly for a girl song around 11:15 and danced on the deck until we dragged her out of there a little after midnight. It was so cute, she was bustin' a move in her little dress and red sparkly shoes! Lady Gaga was on constant repeat for a good 20 minutes!

I thank God everyday that our kids have such great senses of humor and honestly know how to enjoy the best things in life! Sean and I are 2 lucky people.