Monday, March 28, 2011

the little things

This Healey house seems a little hectic lately, Sean busy at work, Me working, Clare's dance, Aidan's lacrosse, endless piles of laundry, me on a quest to find a new hobby, ya know, the usual! Sean and I seem to just be bouncing around bumping into each other.

Sometimes it's the little things that get you through times like this. Last night I was setting up the coffee pot for the morning brew and I yelled up to Sean to see what time he'd be up. His answer was so unbelievably early I can't even say it. When I went up to bed he said, "Don't forget in the morning to microwave your coffee before you put the cream in, otherwise it's gets funky." Now is that true love or what?!

Sandy Shoes

The other night Clare and I were sitting together on the chair in the living room. I told her to take her boots off, so she climbed down to the ottoman and pulled the first one off. She instantly turns to me with a look of surprise and says (boot upside down in hand) "Look Mom, I didn't get to play in the sandbox today!" ~because no sand came out of the boot~

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let the games begin...

Saturday was Aidan's first day of lacrosse practice. It's actually Scoopers, a team where they teach the kids how to play the game, they then have a few games within the organization. All the equipment except for cleats and a stick are supplied by the team. So he and Sean went to get a new stick (used) and new cleats the other day. Aidan seemed pretty excited about it.

They got there early for equipment pick up and by the time they started to play Aidan wasn't quite sure about the whole thing. Although he's so big, he's one of the youngest kids on the team. He did everything the coach asked him to do (a little slower) and when I came home he told me it was AWESOME! I'm very proud of him and Sean (who kept his cool and didn't freak out when Aidan got upset). Good job boys!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Daddy got a new IPHONE yesterday and he's the picture he took of us!